NZ 2: Made it to Colorado

We left Michigan and have made it to Colorado. We’re on our way to California, and then, hopefully, on to New Zealand without too many hiccups.

Why Colorado? Well, before getting to NZ we need immigration physicals.

But isn’t that just a normal physical and rudimentary blood work, you ask?


I repeat, hah, and also, yes, that’s exactly right. After receiving my physical I realize that any first year intern fresh out of medical school could easily have performed this magical “immigration” physical. However, there are currently only 22 places in all of the USA that have the authority to do these special exams.

Colorado was on the way, so, well, that’s where we went. Here’s a map of where you can get them currently, thought it may change with time. As you can see, not a single one in good ‘ole Michigan, oh well.


So here’s our trip so far. See the sad Michigan, that’s us leaving and making it to Colorado. 

Colorado, known for it’s beauty, skiing, and one of the few places in the country with not one but TWO places to get immigration physicals ooooh lala, fancy!

We stayed in Silverthorne, altitude 8700 feet. 

Also, I got a new watch for Father’s day, which is cool since I could check my pulse ox and it showed me to be desatting to 85% at night due to the altitude. Cool!

Here’s a picture from right outside where we stayed.


Colorado is beautiful.


The next Stop is to Petrified Forest and then to LA, where hopefully we’ll stay until we get to leave for New Zealand.

We’ll let you know.

For now, we’re still waiting for the Medical Council of New Zealand for Visas (my job there is already accepted). 

Hope we hear soon, viva NZ!